Rohan Jadal

  1. Quantum Slots
  2. Tutto Passa
  3. Design with ChatGPT
  4. Smart Mirror 
  5. Wand Lamp



Quantum Slots

Quantum Slots uses entanglement and superposition to visualize quantum game theory.

I worked with a team to build a functional slot machine with projection-mapped animations which runs on an IBM quantum computer. It relies on the random noise generated by quantum systems to generate true uncertainty. A gambler’s delight.

Tutto Passa

Tutto Passa is a branding and visualization exploration.

I designed a collection of tabletop products and created a design language for an authentic New York Pizza restaurant, which I have named Tutto Passa.

Design with ChatGPT 

My goal for this project was to create breathtaking digital art using artificial intelligence, math, and procedural design.

Smart Mirror 

Designed to save your time - and the planet

The goal of The Smart Mirror is to enable consumers to make informed purchasing decisions. By buying clothes that are a guaranteed fit, textile waste will become drastically reduced and consumer satisfaction will skyrocket.

Wand Lamp 

Lighting Design Exploration

The Wand Lamp has three wands which can be removed and used as torches, illuminating the path for your midnight snack.